School Song
The School Song – August 1912
Ring out the battle-call of Duty!
Unfurl the flag of Faith and Toil!
We deem our soul’s eternal beauty
A life-long victor’s worthy spoil.
A thousand such are proudly gone before us
To win and spread our School’s renown:
‘Tis ours to swell with our voices the chorus,
And with our deeds enrich her crown.
Faith and Toil! Conquerless alliance,
Wherein we clasp human hands unto God’s.
In His control find we true self-reliance:
My hand and God’s-whate’er the odds-
My hand and God’s-whate’er the odds-
My hand and God’s
Evil’s onset hold in defiance!
All hail! Our own immortal College!-
(For thought and love would death outlive!)
New brothers thine to breed ; and knowledge,
Our Alma Mater, thine to give.
We render thanks for thy love and thy teaching,
And hail all them who are thy voice.
We scorn the dream-life that sluggards are preaching,
And cling the Banner of thy choice.
Chorus :- Faith and Toil,
Apace draws on of separation
For each and all the fated day:
But, far or near be set our station,
Thy thought shall hold our hearts in sway.
Thy Cross shall shade us and call us and lead us;
As now thy Bees shall teach us then:
And, fall the hills on our path to impede us,
Saint Joseph’s boys shall all be men!
Chorus :- Faith and Toil,
Words by Fr. Gavan-Duffy, Music composed by Fr. Gustave Leroy