Guideline for the selection and conferral of the
As the aim of the OBA Lifetime Achievement Award and OBA Award for Significant Achievement are to honour excellence over a broad range of endeavours, achievements shall not be confined to any particular field of specialization. The achievements should be of distinction, whether obviously apparent or not. Each nominee’s line of endeavour should have been made with the School’s ethos of Faith & Toil shining forth and shall have culminated in an accomplishment of which the magnitude, significance and impact warrant an exceptional level of recognition. The achievements should be at or near a stage of completion so that its impact and degree of success can be fully appreciated through concrete results. These may include sustained outstanding achievement in such public service endeavours as enhancing interests in the global market, public service renewal, modernizing service delivery, science and research, economy and finance, culture, social policy, sport, representation abroad and technical and professional activities.
One (1) OBA Lifetime Achievement Award and any number of OBA Awards for Significant Achievement shall be conferred at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Old Boys’ Association (OBA) and will comprise a memento and an accompanying citation.
• The Selection Committee (SC) for the 2 categories of awards shall comprise Past Presidents of the OBA and the incumbent President of the Managing Committee (MC)
• The incumbent President of the MC shall have the deciding or casting vote
• The SC shall review the nominations received and make its recommendations to the Awards Sub-Committee (ASC) of the MC
• To enable the SC to judge fully and assess equitably the degree of success and extent of an achievement’s impact, all nominations shall be documented in the format prescribed in a Nomination Form. For the SC to place considerable weight on the narrative in the nomination, letters of support either from clients, colleagues, partners etc. shall be provided by the proposer; these will assist the SC in its assessment
• The achievements could be regarded as being made over a period of years (OBA Lifetime Achievement Award) or within a shorter timescale (OBA Award for Significant Achievement)
• Nominees should have been students of St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School (or St. Joseph’s College / St. Joseph’s European High School, as the school was formerly known) for a period of 6 months or longer
• Nominees for the OBA Lifetime Achievement Award should be over the age of 40 years on the date of being nominated for the award
A Nomination stands disqualified if:
• The nominee has been convicted of an offence by any court
• The nominee is proven to have the odium of dishonest dealings in his profession or vocation
• The nominee is considered to bring the school or the OBA into disrepute, if nominated for the award
• The nominee has disowned or spurned the school or the OBA at any point in time
• The Nomination Form is not complete in ALL respects
• The window for nomination shall be kept open from the date of the AGM of the OBA to June 15 of the following year.
• The MC shall review the valid nominations received and shortlist 5 in each category.
• The SC shall select 2 of the 5 nominees, in descending order of preference, for the OBA Lifetime Achievement Award and the awardees of the OBA Award for Significant Achievement, during the last two weeks of June
• The awardees shall be intimated by the end of June, to facilitate the awardees in planning to be present in person to receive the award
• The nominee must be alive at the time of being nominated for an award
• If the awardee of the OBA Lifetime Achievement Award refuses to accept the award for whatever reason, the second nominee selected by the SC shall be conferred the award
• A nomination for an award shall be considered in the year in which it is received and reconsidered in subsequent years, for a maximum of three (3) years
• In the unfortunate event of the demise of an awardee, after the names of awardees have been announced and prior to the award being conferred, a representative of the awardee shall be invited to accept the award on behalf of the awardee
• If a Past President or the incumbent President of the OBA is the proposer or seconder of a nomination that is filed, the said past / incumbent President shall recuse himself from the review of that nomination
• The ASC reserves the right to, at its discretion, reach out to the proposer and / or seconder of a nomination for additional / missing / updated information
• If a former student has been nominated for more than one category of award in a year, the ASC shall select any one (1) of the nominations for consideration in the year and the remainder of the nominations shall not be considered in that year
• The decision of the SC shall be final and not open for review / appeal
• Objections against the qualification of a nominee for an award, if any, can be made by any former student of the school, citing reasons for the disqualification. Such objections are to be made in writing, substantiated with evidence, addressed to the Secretary and Joint Secretary of the OBA via e-mail to and by June 30.
• In any year, the MC is under no obligation to confer either of the awards