Batch and End Use Funds

Batch and End Use Funds

Batches are encouraged to organise themselves around specific causes. Donations are then collected by the batches and allocated to a specific end use in consultation with the batch. Milestone events (like 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, etc batch reunions) are good occasions to collect funds and set up a batch fund. The minimum amount for setting up an end use fund for a batch is Rs. 5 lacs.

Numerous batches have set up end use funds and the details of this can be seen in the annual report of the OBA.

Donors also have the option to organize their individual donations around causes. Here the end use is specified and the donors could set this up individually or under a family name or in memory of a departed teacher, fellow student, etc. The end use is specified by the donor in consultation with the OBA and the minimum amount for setting up an end use fund is Rs. 5 lacs.

Numerous end use funds have been set up and the details of this can be seen in the annual report of the OBA

Specified end use of the donation (Choose from existing options or set up a new end use in case of amount greater than Rs. 5 lacs)

Contact the OBA Secretary for additional details regarding setting up a Batch or End Use Fund.

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